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Programming reference for the Win32 API - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn.Win32 api download pdf

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Win32 Api PDF | PDF | Application Programming Interface | C (Programming Language).Win32 (Windows API)


The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to each chapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective company owners. Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct nor accurate, please send your feedback and corrections to info zzzprojects.

The main components of the WinAPI are:. Versions Versions of the API are tied to the operating system version. Microsoft Windows applications are usually written as either a console application or a windowed application there are other types such as services and plug-ins.

The difference for the programmer is the difference in the interface for the main entry point for the application source provided by the programmer. The executable entry point invoked by the loader is not the main entry point provided by the application programmer but is instead the Runtime provided by the compiler and the linker which creates the executable. The Runtime sets up the environment for the application and then calls the main entry point provided by the programmer.

A Windows console application may have several slightly different interfaces for the main entry point provided by the programmer.

A Windows window GUI application has a different interface for the main entry point provided by the programmer. This main entry point provided by the programmer has a more complex interface because the Runtime sets up a GUI environment and provides additional information along with the application parameters.

This example explains the Windows window GUI main entry point interface. To explore this topics you should have:.

The project settings must be set for a window application not a console application in order for the linker to link with the correct Runtime. Create a main. This is our Win32 "Hello, world" program. The first step is to include the windows header files. The main header for all of Windows is windows. The WinMain is different from a standard int main used with a console application. No longer used. Inside of WinMain , is a call to MessageBox , which displays a simple dialog with a message, a message box.

The first argument is the handle to the owner window. Since we don't have our own. The second argument is the body text. The third argument is the caption, and the fourth argument contains the flags. When 0 is passed, a default message box is shown. The diagram below dissects the message box dialog. The Windows API documentation for functions taking one or more string as argument will usually look like this:. So there are actually two CopyFile functions and depending on compiler flags, the CopyFile macro will resolve to one or the other.

It is important to know that the ANSI encoding may be a single-byte encoding i. This means that neither the ANSI, nor the Wide-character variant of these functions can be assumed to work with fixed width encodings. As a result, all string literals must be wrapped in a TEXT macro. A window consists of what is known as a window class.

This describes information about a window that is to be shared between instances of it, like the icon, the cursor, and others. The members are:. This is 0 for now. It stores the address of the window procedure. The window procedure is a function that handles events for all windows that are instances of this window class.

For most situations, this member is 0. Do not confuse this with cbClsExtra, which is common to all instances.

This is often 0. Just assign the hInst argument in WinMain to this field. The return value must be cast because GetStockObject returns a generic object. If no menu bar is needed, this field can be NULL. After this structure is initialized, the RegisterClassEx function is called. This causes the window class to be registered with Windows, making it known to the application.

It returns 0 on failure. The arguments are:. In this case, it is the caption that is displayed in a window's title bar. Since this window is in itself a parent window, this argument is NULL. The class menu is common to all instances of windows with the same class name. This argument, however, is specific for just this instance. If the window being created is a child window, then this is the ID of the child window.

In this case, we are creating a parent window with no menu, so NULL is passed. If no extra information is to be transmitted, pass NULL. That is what is done in this example. CreateWindowEx returns the handle to the newly created window. If window creation failed, it returned NULL.

We then show the window by calling ShowWindow. The first argument for this function is the handle to the window. The second argument is the show style, which indicates how the window is to be displayed. Most applications just pass the cmdshow argument passed in WinMain. After the window is shown, it must be updated by a call to UpdateWindow. It causes an update message to be sent to the window. We will learn what this means in another tutorial.

Now comes the heart of the application: The message pump. It pumps messages sent to this application by the operating system, and dispatches the messages to the window procedure. The GetMessage call returns non-zero until the application receieves a messages that causes it to quit, in which case it returns 0. The only argument that concerns us is the pointer to an MSG structure that will be filled in with information about the message.

The other arguments are all 0. Inside the message loop, TranslateMessage translates virtual-key messages into character messages. The meaning of this, again, is unimportant to us. It takes a pointer to an MSG structure. The call directly following it, DispatchMessage, dispatches the message pointed to by its argument to the window's window procedure.

The last thing WinMain must do is return a status code. The wParam member of the MSG structure contains this return value, so it is returned. The other function is winproc, the window procedure. It will handle messages for the window that are sent to it by Windows. The signature for winproc is:. This depends on the wm argument. This argument is usually used to transmit pointers or handles.

In this simple program, we do not handle any messages ourselves. But that doesn't mean Windows doesn't either. This is why one must call DefWindowProc, which contains default window handling code. This function must be called at the end of every window procedure. A handle is a data type that represents a unique object.

They are pointers, but to secret data structures maintained by the operating system. The details of these structures need not concern us. Andrew 5, 1 1 gold badge 47 47 silver badges 69 69 bronze badges. I think it would be clearer if you explicitly identified the link to this tool Visual Studio Help Downloader -- as it is, I mistook it as just the title to your post.

Update link, vshd — wener. Seems to be working, fortunately the source is available, needed to use one of the patches to get the downloader to work with a proxy. Darin Dimitrov Darin Dimitrov 1. Yep, that was a misuse of words. MS just said "we do require that you register your product within 30 days of installation for continued use". If you don't have the Help Viewer: developercommunity.

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged windows api documentation reference or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog. Remote work is killing big offices. Cities must change to survive. You should be reading academic computer science papers.

Navigation and UI research starting soon. I'm standing down as a moderator. Temporary policy: ChatGPT is banned.

Linked 6. Related Hot Network Questions. Then you can press F1 to view them. This feature is even available in Visual Studio Express. Installing the Windows SDK and the. There's probably no way around it.

Windows SDKs used to contain the documentation but it seems like they've stripped it out in v7. You can even do a search offline in the Help, though from my experience the relevant rate is worse than Google. Package This! Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Collectives. Learn more about Teams. Asked 11 years, 11 months ago. Modified 4 years, 6 months ago.

Viewed 47k times. Improve this question. Ben Voigt k 41 41 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Gauthier Gauthier You're right, it's only the code samples. I understand from your comment that my wish won't come true? Not even a basic version?


Win32 api download pdf.Programming reference for the Win32 API - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

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